The Objectives
Identify training needs, green employment niches and good practices related to green employment in the European Union.
Develop a training programme and innovative digital tools for the promotion of green skills and entrepreneurship for young people
Train professionals working with young people in green and entrepreneurial skills for young people
Promote the employability of unemployed young people, located in rural areas of the European Union, through training in green skills, promotion and awareness of green employment opportunities
Promote networking at European level, and support other entities working to improve the labour insertion of vulnerable groups and the promotion of green employment
Raise awareness among the population of the European Union on issues related to employment and green entrepreneurship, and emerging market niches in rural area
Research on employment niches and training needs of young people living in rural areas, in terms of employment and green entrepreneurship.
Training Module on employment and green entrepreneurship for young people and professionals
Virtual Learning Platform
Awerness campain
The Platform
An innovative Learning Platform to help foster entrepreneurship and employability of young people in rural environments.
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The Partners
6 partners from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain.
Green Up Yourself in a nutshell
The initiative is co-financed under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in the youth field
6 partners from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain
March 2023 – February 2025

Erasmus+ Project: 2022-2-ES02-KA220-YOU-000096446
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The project Green Up Yourself is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of this presentation is the sole responsibility of the partnership and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish National Agency (ANE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.